Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Task 3: Lesson Plan

LEVEL: Form 1 (Advanced)
TOPIC: Endangered Species
TIME: 45 minutes

AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students should be better able to:
1- Improve their reading skills.
2- Practise their writing skills by using the information from the website.
3- Prepare a short summary of the sub-topic assigned by the teacher.

1- one computer per group of 4-5 students.
2- Internet connection.
3- Web browser.
4- An email address.

1- Find a suitable website to accommodate the activities.
2- Locate one sub-topic for each group for the activity.
3- Prepare worksheets based on the information in the website.



Set Induction (5 minutes)

1- Teacher asks students whether they understand the meaning of "Endangered Species"
2- Teacher introduces the topic by giving a brief explanation

Develpoment: Task 1 (15 minutes):

1-Teacher instructs students to get into a group of 4-5 students
2-Teacher distributes different worksheets for each group
3-Teacher encourages students to read the information about the endangered animal and complete the activity
4-While reading, teacher asks students to underline any difficult vocabulary(s) and then explains the meaning to them
5-Teacher discusses the answers with students and gives feedback

Task 2 (20 minutes):

1- Teacher asks students to remain within their respective groups
2- Teacher instructs students to open the following website
3- Teacher assigns each group with a sub-topic which are ( Causes of Endangerment Species, Interesting Endangered Species Facts, Laws that protect Endangered Species, Why save Endangered Species, and ways you can help Endangered Species)
4- Teacher instructs students to write a short summary of the sub-topic assigned by using the Microsoft Office Word and email it to teacher
5- Teacher walks around the class and provides scaffolding
6- Teacher discusses the activity with students and gives feedback

Conclusion: (5 minutes)

1- Teacher summarizes the lesson
2- Teacher instills moral values


Teacher assigns students to browse the internet and find any information about Endangered Species and write a one paragrahp summary by using Microsoft Office Word and email it to teacher before the next class

1 comment:

  1. 45 minutes is probably too short for a lesson using the Internet. 60 minutes should be the minimum. I think I mentioned not to create an LP on endangered species since it's too common.
