Friday, July 30, 2010

TASK1: Website Evaluation (10%)

1- What does the application attempt to “teach”?

No doubt that the website is very rich in information with regard to teaching English. It makes learners dive into an ocean of knowledge in English where it stresses more on the four main skills/components of English “Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing”. The website also provides learners with Grammar and Vocabulary. The idea of offering grammar and vocabulary is that to help learners improve their ability in constructing a very organized and correct sentences as well as enriching learners with different words that they may not know, especially for beginners. Moreover, this website can also be used for teachers to assist them ideas and techniques for their lesson plans. So; the website can be beneficial for both learners and teachers. teachers can use this website as a resource materials for them such as providing worksheets to their students. this website can enlighten teachers' mind in providing new ways and techniques which can be implemented in the classroom.

2- What sorts of things is the application user expected to do with regards to learning the content?

by looking at the website, it can be assumed that users of the application are required to browse through the sub-topics they are interested in. there are varieties of options for learners to explore according to their personal needs which are ( listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, or grammar) as to be able to explore more and do the exercises provided such as quizzes and games. Instructions are given to make the task simple and understandable for learners of different level of proficiency. Learners are required to choose the area of their interests and start exploring it. For each sub-topic, there is explanations of it so that It help users understand the objectives of each sub-topic.

3- What sorts of computer skills is the application users expected to have in order to operate/access/use the application?

The users of the application do not need to be very skillful in computer competency but rather a very basic knowledge in computer is more than enough. What I believe is that learners are required to use mostly the MOUSE in order for them to do the quizzes and games such as “Jumbled Words” the learners need to drag and drop by using the MOUSE. The questions can be easily answered by using the MOUSE. They only need to select/click on the appropriate answers. They also need to know how to use the KEYBOARD for the “crosswords games” because this game requires learners to TYPE the answers. even the person with no knowledge of computer can also be able to use the website without having ant technical problem. in my opinion, there is no need of even having a basic knowledge in computer skill n order to access and explore the website.

4- While you are “playing”/ “accessing”/ “assessing” the application, does it remind you of anything you do in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in self-study?

Well, in regard to this matter, I had never thought of using ESL website as a source of learning until the year of 2005 where I developed an interests in learning English. I was advised by my English teacher to go through any ESL website as a source of gaining more knowledge in English. I did actually access to different ESL websites in order to improve my proficiency in the language and it was very useful indeed. It helped me in improving my pronunciations as well as Listening skill. I did and still accessing to ESL website for self-study and my favorite website is “”. I also encouraged my students to do the same as I did to assist them and improve their language.

5- Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application?

By browsing through the website, I came to realize the application of the theory I recently learnt in semester 6 which is the deductive theory. The deductive theory works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes , it is called “top-down” approach. So; when learners are introduced to any topic or any segment of grammar, teachers explain the roles of that particular segment and then follow it by giving examples to ensure the understanding of the learners. In every sub-topic of each skill (listening, speaking, reading, writing) there will be explanations as to help learners to understand completely and then begin to do their quizzes. I am more into the deductive way of teaching and I think it is one of the best way of teaching another language.

On the other hand, the use of cognitive approach where it emphasis onto two main streams which are the memory system is an active organized processor of information and , prior knowledge plays an important role in learning . it is true because users of the websites are actually required to have prior knowledge in the language so that it will assist them to learn faster as they already have little knowledge and experience of the language.

6- How well is the constructivist theory of learning applied to the chosen website(s)?

The constructivist theory is concerned more on how well learners can learn by themselves and how profound their knowledge will be when they learn from experiences. A major theme of the theoretical framework of constructivists is that learning is an active/ongoing process in which learners construct new ideas or concept based on their past/current knowledge (J.Bruner). in my humble opinion, the constructivist theory is actually applied in the website in which learners do not need any help from teachers or peers as it is a student-centered learning. Therefore, users of the application are required to have already existed knowledge of the language so that they can be able to apply their knowledge (experience) to answering the quizzes given.

7- In 1980’s and early 1990’s, there was a major debate on whether a computer was a “master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation- was the computer a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?

Without a drop of doubt in my mind, computer can never be a replacement for teachers because dealing with machines is totally different from dealing with humans. Students need to have two-way communication with teachers in which the computer mostly does not offer this service. For this particular website, students may learn from the website as it provides explanations and then testing their understanding. This can be a tool for learning but it can never be the main source of learning. What if the users understood the explanations provided for them and could not fully answered the quizzes? As I mentioned earlier, computer is very useful and a good friend of humans and it can assist users in learning their target language, however it cannot be replaced with teachers because the impact that learners can get from teachers is more sufficient and solid than they get from computer.

8- Would you like to use the application yourself in your future work?

I will definitely make use of this ESL website because it attracted my attention and it is rich in information that a learner of ESL will benefit and expand his/her knowledge in English. I believe that my future students will be very much interested in learning from this website as well as other ESL websites because for them, it is a new way of learning English. Generally speaking, students in my country do only learn from teachers (traditional way of teaching) which is in this era considered a very BORING and DULL for students as the teachers only use the drilling method of teaching. on the other hand, learners can easily access to the website with no charge. It is a very simple and interesting way of learning as it has to do with technology. Most of students if not all tend to use computers to fulfill their needs as a way of having fun, so by introducing this website to my students, it will also fulfill my needs for achieving at least the slightest of my goals to make them learn and improve their language. There is no harm is trying *­­­­­,*


I would like to inject my humble suggestion which I think it will improve the proficiency of the website. From the first time I explored the website, I got confused and blurred due to the unorganized structure of the website. It looked too congested with information and pictures. The website can be better improved and well organized so that users will not experience difficulties in selecting they topics of their interests, otherwise, some will not bother to explore the website but rather search for another website. The website seems very formal which sometimes makes the users feel bored, for this case to be solved, it would be very interesting if the design changed into creative ones with a careful selection of colors. As a matter of fact, languages should be taught in a fun and interesting way, therefore, the way of designing the website will play a major role in attracting the learners interests in learning.


1 comment:

  1. 8.6/10. Ahmed, you need to capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence.
